Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm sure most of you have heard me talk about my "babycenter moms". Well, two such moms that are very close to my heart live so very far away from us. We've developed relationships since we "met" online in January of 2008 when we all found out we were pregnant. At that time we all had one thing in common - our babies were due in October 2008.

Well finally, after FOUR AND A HALF YEARS of chatting online almost every single day, of texting and emailing, of snail mailing.... We finally got to meet in person!

Mandy, who lives in Ontario, and I decided to pack up our girls and head out to meet Em and see her brand new home in Nova Scotia! What a treat it was to get to hug these true and genuinely wonderful friends of mine! And seriously, seeing the photos of the kiddos don't do them any justice. I mean, they're ADORABLE in photos, but in person?? There aren't any words to describe their sweet little voices, the sound of their laughter, their facial expressions and the oh-so-special inflections that Phinner (specifically) has mastered.

It was an amazing trip with some amazing friends! I'm normally pretty detached with goodbyes. Like, "Bye! See ya later." then gone and I'll be sad on my own on the plane or whatever. I know, it's strange since I'm such an emotional person normally.... But this time? No, this time I was a blubbering mess. A. MESS.

But you know what? I'm thankful to have had an experience that actually brought me to blubbering snotty tears.

Talulah had an amazing time too! Ever the incredible camera-dodger... I'm sure you can see some glimpses of her where she isn't making a funny face and is genuinely happy. This kid LOVED the ocean (times a trillion), LOVED all of the land that she could run free on at Em's place, LOVED getting into trouble with Phinn, LOVED taking care of Seamus and LOVED having a "sister" (Shae).

We really had a spectacular time. There are no words to describe the joy that both of us feel. So.... enjoy the pictures from our trip to Nova Scotia!

June 2012 -

July 2012 -