Thursday, April 29, 2010

Snow Angel

So, it's official... Talulah LOVES snow. I mean, I figured she did before but there was always a little bit of doubt. Not anymore, all doubt has been washed away (or rather, "snowed in"). It's April 29th and we had a crazy snow storm in Calgary. In fact, there was even a winter storm warning in effect! We're not just talking a lovely snowfall... We're talking crazy blowing snow going completely sideways covering most traffic lights so you can't even see if it's red, yellow, or green.

Everywhere you look people are grumbling about the snow. Radio stations are complaining, the traffic updates are terrible, even picking up my morning coffee the barista was saying, "I thought it was spring!"

Taking all of that into consideration, you'd think it would be the beginning of a lousy day.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Talulah woke up this morning with a big hug and kiss for her mom. That alone makes the day a hundred times better. But then I brought her over to the window to look outside and her eyes lit up, she pointed, smiled and said, "S-now! S-nooow, s-noooooww!" She was so excited that everything was covered in snow!

She insisted on wearing her snowsuit to daycare this morning (even though we were driving there so she wouldn't be outside much). She was so excited to put her mittens on, she kept waving with her cute little puffy paws, we took a detour from the car into the daycare so she could walk on a pile of snow that someone brushed off of their car onto the sidewalk.

That, plus... Her drop off at the daycare went really well! She normally cries when I drop her off (since we switched her from Laurie's dayhome, which she LOVED, to this new daycare) but this morning we went inside, Talulah took off her boots and helped me put her indoor shoes on. Then she helped me sign her in and hang up her snowsuit. Then she grabbed her lunch and fussed just a little. I said, "Can Mommy have a kiss?" She gave me a huge kiss and an arms-wrapped-tight-around-the-neck hug and went into her class. That's it. That's all. No tears. It's like the snow came out and Talulah's world got a little bit brighter.

So, now.... taking ALL of that into consideration, I think I'm in for a great day thanks to my little snow angel!

(March 2010) We had a snowfall over night so we left the house early so we could go for a walk in the snow before the dayhome opened.

(January 2010) At Lake Louise Talulah was trying to figure out the best spot to climb.

(January 2010) "Forget the climbing... Did you know you can eat this stuff?!"

(January 2010) "Why are we inside when all that snow is outside?"

(January 2010) "Okay, I'm ready... Let's go!"

(March 2009) We went to Crystal & Jack's house to build a snowman, but the snow wasn't sticky enough. You'd think a baby would be unhappy just sitting in the snow... But not this one!

(March 2009) Two peas in a pod...

(February 2009) Talulah and Mommy going for a walk with Uncle Jay in Winnipeg. I think the high was like -31C or something that day. I was so worried that she was unhappy and/or frozen... But she wasn't. She had a great time!

(January 2009) All tuckered out from an outting, but still bundled up for the snow.

(December 2008) This was Talulah's first real snow storm and uber cold weather. She was all bundled up super warm and just stared at the snow.

(November 2008) No wonder she's never hated the snow... She's always been so bundled up she probably doesn't even know it's cold!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So lately Talulah's been faking injuries to get kisses. She'll come over to me with a pained look on her face and say, "Owie" with this pitiful little voice. And then I ask where, she shows me, and I kiss it all better.

Well last night in the bath she kept saying "owie" and getting me to kiss her feet better. She'd point to the drain stopper thingy and then to her foot and say "ow" and then give me her foot for a kiss.

I was repeatedly (and happily) kissing her feet better when all of a sudden she grabbed my hand, gasped, pointed to my palm and said, "owie" in that same pitiful voice with a very concerned look on her face and then kissed my hand better! Then she did it about 20 more times. It was ADORABLE!

I played her game and splashed my hand around and then stopped and said, "Ooh, owie!" and she looked at me with an annoyed face (instead of concerned) and said "No."

I laughed so hard.

So, I swear I have a good excuse for not blogging...

Okay, so that's sort of a lie. No, actually it's just a lie.

I have no excuses at all for not keeping up with my darling Talulah's blog. I got lazy, and then I kept feeling overwhelmed at updating because it had "been so long".

So, I'm biting the bullet.... Not making excuses.... And jumping back in here!

Let's see.... Talulah got cuter and cuter and more awesome and cuter! She's the best. Her Grandpa Bruce calls her "Sunshine" and I think that's a pretty appropriate nickname for her. She literally lights up the lives of everyone who meets her. Just one smile and you get why he calls her that.

I mean, I'm the mom so I might just be a tiny weensy bit biased. But I'm pretty sure that she is THE BEST kid ever.

Can you believe she's a kid now? I find that I'm saying that every few months. She's really losing her babiness (she'll always be my baby though) and she's full on toddler now!

Ready for a quick photo catch up? Here are some from August 2009 to March 2010. Enjoy!