Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sweetest. Kid. Ever. (Lucky Mommy)

On Mother's Day weekend Talulah and I went to the zoo both days! Saturday with Papa, and then Sunday (Mother's Day) with just the two of us.

Saturday when we went with Papa it was just a quick visit - mostly only to renew our expired passes. During the visit, he wanted to take a picture of Talulah and I, but instead he was recording a video. Good thing too! The tiny bit he caught was pretty darn sweet. Take a look (it's literally like 2 seconds long):

Here are some photos from Mother's Day (I didn't take many, we were too busy enjoying each other!):

Talulah making a craft at The Calgary Zoo's Mother's Day Brunch!

Busy being an artist.

The final product! (Along with the plant that they planted at daycare!)

Trying to see the zebras! (They were hiding.)

Running around and burning off the sugar from brunch.

At dinner with Grandma Gwen! 

Grandma playing with Talulah.

Off for a Mother's Day ice cream cone after dinner!
 We had a blast all weekend... And the stellar weather was a welcome treat too!

This morning we had the following conversation:

Talulah: Mommy? You're a good mom.
Mommy: Aawwww, thank you Talulah!
Talulah: I'm going to tell Nora. (Nora is a friend at daycare)
Mommy: Okay.
Talulah: You're NOT a bad mom.
Mommy: Did Nora say I was a bad mom?
Talulah: No.
Mommy: Oh. Who said I was a bad mom?
Talulah: Nobody... 'Cuz you're a good mom.
Then, a few minutes later, I was kneeling down to help her put her shoes on. She walked over, put her hands on either side of my face, leaned in close and said...
Talulah: You're MY mommy.
Mommy: Yep! I'm your mommy and nobody else's.
Talulah: All mine. (BIG smile followed by BIG hug)
I'm an insanely lucky Mommy.

Check out a few other videos we made last night. In the first one my lovely friend and co-worker Claire got a chocolate "T" for Talulah so I was giving it to her. (Ssshhh... Don't tell that I also got a chocolate "S" from Claire. If Talulah finds out, she'll eat that one too!)

This next one is a video of Talulah in her new shirt. She loves it because it's sleeveless and shows off her tattoos. She asked who was on her shirt and I told her it was "Captain America" (Mommy might be a teensy bit obsessed with The Avengers movie that just came out *blush*.) She kept trying to say it, but was having lots of trouble... instead saying things like "Capkim Amanananana" and the like. It was so funny! Well.... until I started recording. Of course once I hit record she could say it fairly well. But the video's still cute. :)

After we watched that first video, Talulah thought she was HILARIOUS! She asked to make another "movie" and then proceeded to full on belly laugh at herself while she watched it. .

One last note I almost forgot to mention... We got WORMS!!! We bought a vermipod from Miss Karla Cox at so we now have under sink compost! Buuuuut........... Talulah and I are loving our worms something fierce so I'm pretty sure they're our pets. She named them Cece. She had come up with some other names, but we can't remember them and they all look the same so they're all Cece. Yay for red wigglers!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

The three if us got to go for breakfast after Talulah's Hapkido class today. It was fun and so nice to get to see some special moments between Talulah and her Daddy. :)