Thursday, August 16, 2012


- I told Talulah she could open a piece of mail for me and she started to rip it apart like a crazy person. I took it away and said, "Talulah, you can't open my mail unless you do it carefully." to which she replied, "Ugh Mom... It's my DESTINY!" I told her she was destined to open mail carefully or not at all.

- Talulah sat me down on the bed, took my face in her hands and said (very seriously), "Mom, you are my mom. You have to take care of me. If you don't, I will take things out of my bum." I laughed REALLY hard and said it's a good thing I take care of her then!

- Talulah: Knock knock
Mommy: Who's there?
Talulah: Banana
Mommy: Banana who?
Talulah: Banana on paper (fit of laughter)

- Talulah: Knock knock
Mommy: Who's there?
Talulah: Banana
Mommy: Banana who?
Talulah: Banana and glasses (fit of laughter)

- "I'm baby Gus's cousin. In sixteen I'm going to take him to Naba Scotia to see the ocean. And a mermaid. 'Cuz he's my brother and I'm his sister. We'll go on Thursday and fourteen. We will eat a monster."

- Talulah: Mom, my bum is getting bigger.
Mommy: Oh great! That means you're eating all your vegetables and growing up!
Talulah: Mom, do you have a big bum?
Mommy: Yes. It's very big because I'm a grown up and I eat good food to make me big and strong.
Talulah: I'm gonna have a big bum like you someday Mommy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm sure most of you have heard me talk about my "babycenter moms". Well, two such moms that are very close to my heart live so very far away from us. We've developed relationships since we "met" online in January of 2008 when we all found out we were pregnant. At that time we all had one thing in common - our babies were due in October 2008.

Well finally, after FOUR AND A HALF YEARS of chatting online almost every single day, of texting and emailing, of snail mailing.... We finally got to meet in person!

Mandy, who lives in Ontario, and I decided to pack up our girls and head out to meet Em and see her brand new home in Nova Scotia! What a treat it was to get to hug these true and genuinely wonderful friends of mine! And seriously, seeing the photos of the kiddos don't do them any justice. I mean, they're ADORABLE in photos, but in person?? There aren't any words to describe their sweet little voices, the sound of their laughter, their facial expressions and the oh-so-special inflections that Phinner (specifically) has mastered.

It was an amazing trip with some amazing friends! I'm normally pretty detached with goodbyes. Like, "Bye! See ya later." then gone and I'll be sad on my own on the plane or whatever. I know, it's strange since I'm such an emotional person normally.... But this time? No, this time I was a blubbering mess. A. MESS.

But you know what? I'm thankful to have had an experience that actually brought me to blubbering snotty tears.

Talulah had an amazing time too! Ever the incredible camera-dodger... I'm sure you can see some glimpses of her where she isn't making a funny face and is genuinely happy. This kid LOVED the ocean (times a trillion), LOVED all of the land that she could run free on at Em's place, LOVED getting into trouble with Phinn, LOVED taking care of Seamus and LOVED having a "sister" (Shae).

We really had a spectacular time. There are no words to describe the joy that both of us feel. So.... enjoy the pictures from our trip to Nova Scotia!

June 2012 -

July 2012 -

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sweetest. Kid. Ever. (Lucky Mommy)

On Mother's Day weekend Talulah and I went to the zoo both days! Saturday with Papa, and then Sunday (Mother's Day) with just the two of us.

Saturday when we went with Papa it was just a quick visit - mostly only to renew our expired passes. During the visit, he wanted to take a picture of Talulah and I, but instead he was recording a video. Good thing too! The tiny bit he caught was pretty darn sweet. Take a look (it's literally like 2 seconds long):

Here are some photos from Mother's Day (I didn't take many, we were too busy enjoying each other!):

Talulah making a craft at The Calgary Zoo's Mother's Day Brunch!

Busy being an artist.

The final product! (Along with the plant that they planted at daycare!)

Trying to see the zebras! (They were hiding.)

Running around and burning off the sugar from brunch.

At dinner with Grandma Gwen! 

Grandma playing with Talulah.

Off for a Mother's Day ice cream cone after dinner!
 We had a blast all weekend... And the stellar weather was a welcome treat too!

This morning we had the following conversation:

Talulah: Mommy? You're a good mom.
Mommy: Aawwww, thank you Talulah!
Talulah: I'm going to tell Nora. (Nora is a friend at daycare)
Mommy: Okay.
Talulah: You're NOT a bad mom.
Mommy: Did Nora say I was a bad mom?
Talulah: No.
Mommy: Oh. Who said I was a bad mom?
Talulah: Nobody... 'Cuz you're a good mom.
Then, a few minutes later, I was kneeling down to help her put her shoes on. She walked over, put her hands on either side of my face, leaned in close and said...
Talulah: You're MY mommy.
Mommy: Yep! I'm your mommy and nobody else's.
Talulah: All mine. (BIG smile followed by BIG hug)
I'm an insanely lucky Mommy.

Check out a few other videos we made last night. In the first one my lovely friend and co-worker Claire got a chocolate "T" for Talulah so I was giving it to her. (Ssshhh... Don't tell that I also got a chocolate "S" from Claire. If Talulah finds out, she'll eat that one too!)

This next one is a video of Talulah in her new shirt. She loves it because it's sleeveless and shows off her tattoos. She asked who was on her shirt and I told her it was "Captain America" (Mommy might be a teensy bit obsessed with The Avengers movie that just came out *blush*.) She kept trying to say it, but was having lots of trouble... instead saying things like "Capkim Amanananana" and the like. It was so funny! Well.... until I started recording. Of course once I hit record she could say it fairly well. But the video's still cute. :)

After we watched that first video, Talulah thought she was HILARIOUS! She asked to make another "movie" and then proceeded to full on belly laugh at herself while she watched it. .

One last note I almost forgot to mention... We got WORMS!!! We bought a vermipod from Miss Karla Cox at so we now have under sink compost! Buuuuut........... Talulah and I are loving our worms something fierce so I'm pretty sure they're our pets. She named them Cece. She had come up with some other names, but we can't remember them and they all look the same so they're all Cece. Yay for red wigglers!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

The three if us got to go for breakfast after Talulah's Hapkido class today. It was fun and so nice to get to see some special moments between Talulah and her Daddy. :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Death, Lies and Stinkyheads

- Talulah called her Dad a stinkyhead the other day. When he told her it wasn't nice and asked her where she heard it from she said that I call her a stinkyhead all the time. I assured him that I don't. When Jodi asked where she heard it from she said it was from swimming. When she then called me a stinkyhead yesterday and I reinforced that it's not a nice thing to say and asked where she heard it from..... She said that her Dad calls her a stinkyhead all the time. : |  So, basically - she's trying to master the art of lying............. And we're pretty sure she heard it from the older kids at daycare. She has yet to confirm this.

- While driving to her dentist appointment earlier today Talulah said, "Mommy, if the monsters get you and you die - Shannon can be my new mom." (Shannon is one of her teachers from daycare.) I'm not sure how this came up in that brain of hers... But she felt it was important to share. I asked her if Shannon knew about this plan and she said, "Not yet." I was sure to tell Shannon when I dropped Talulah off at daycare later in the day. Shannon laughed and said she'd be happy to be Talulah's new mom if the monsters get me. Phewf... Now that we've got that cleared up. Although, I'm not sure where she learned about dying from. That might be something else we'll have to talk about soon.

- Last night at dinner Talulah said, "Do we get to go to the dentist tomorrow?" I confirmed and she cheered for joy! This sent Papa into a fit of laughter because... How many three year olds do you know who LOVE the dentist?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Family Visits

Family visits are so nice.

Auntie Melissa was in Calgary for a fellowship (I dunno... Some big fancy-schmance thing for smart people) for a week. Baby Gus and Uncle Jay came for a visit half way through the week too.

Oh it was a glorious time! Lots of playing and smiles and snuggles and fun. Talulah and Gus are seriously two peas in a pod. They LOVE each other SO MUCH. It melts my heart seeing them together. I just want to squeeze them! And you know what? I got to squeeze them together a lot! They thought it was a great idea for Talulah to sit on me and then for Gus to sit on her... So I got to snuggle and squeeze both of them to my heart's content.

Gus and I took the bus to Talulah's daycare to pick her up because they both LOVE the bus. When we went in (it was the first time they got to see each other) Talulah's eyes got wide and she had a HUGE smile! She said, "Baby Gus!" and her daycare teachers said, "Oh, we've heard so much about Baby Gus but we didn't know if he was real!". We had a good laugh and all of Talulah's friends gathered around to see the cute little Baby Gus (even though he's not a baby anymore). Talulah stood at his side looking so unbelievably proud, showing off her cousin. I'm pretty sure I shed a few tears at that point. She was so excited to take the bus home and to take care of Baby Gus. She was sure to hold his hand to "keep him safe so he won't get away".... Even though Gus had no intention of going anywhere that Talulah wasn't going. So. Ridiculously. Sweet.


Now they're all back home and while Talulah and I very much enjoy our alone time together... We still miss them. She's been asking constantly if Baby Gus can come back to her home "tomorrow". She knows that he's in Winnipeg, she just doesn't like it. I assure her that we'll be going to visit in the summer.... But it's not the immediate gratification she's looking for. Poor Lula.... Missing her little cousin.

It's a wee bit too much work to upload all of the pictures from the visit onto here... So, please click >>> HERE <<< and take a peek at our fun times with Auntie Lissa, Uncle Jay & Baby Gus.  

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Little Swimmer

Here's a very low quality video of Talulah during play time after her swimming lesson last week. (She's the one in purple with the ponytails.)

The kid's FEARLESS with water. Seriously. Her teacher always had to keep a close eye on her because she was always trying to venture off into the great beyond (read: deep end). I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a stellar swimmer... And she IS.... For a three year old with only one un-parented swimming lesson under her belt. But, still not quite up there with the "I'm able to stay alive if I'm alone in a pool" folks. 

Anyway, here's a little peek at Talulah doing her thing. Some of her stellar swimming is close to the end of the video so you'll have to be a little bit patient. :)


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another "First"

Usually these firsts are something exciting to announce! Something to cross off of an ever expanding list.

Well, Talulah had another first last night. Two of them actually... Unfortunately, they are two we could have done without. Her fist trip to the Emergency Room and her first (two) stitches.

I got a call at work from the daycare saying that, while playing outside, Talulah was pushed by another kid. She fell off a ledge and gashed the back of her head. I left work and got to daycare as fast as I could. They had cleaned up her blood and tried to get her to relax until I got there, but Talulah (being Talulah) didn't need to relax. So, they put a dressing on her head (with a toque over top) and she went back to playing. It was still bleeding a bit when I got there, and it was a big enough gash that it needed to be looked at.

She was excited for swimming lessons that night because Daddy was going to watch too! So, I called Daddy to tell him there would be no swimming lessons because we were heading to the hospital. I filled him in and he decided to come and meet us.

The nurse in triage took a look and said it would probably need to be closed so she put some numbing gel on and bandaged her up for the wait to see a doctor. The bandage went all the way around Talulah's head... It looked pretty darn cute - and Talulah was super happy because they let her keep what was left of the roll of gauze to play with.

We only waited a couple of hours before we got to see the doctor. Talulah was stellar, but definitely bored. We had to bust out the Netflix on my phone to keep her from climbing the walls. The doctors came and put two stitches in the back of Talulah's head and she didn't cry or struggle at all. Such a tough little cookie!

Here are some photos to record two more of Talulah's firsts. She's so funny. I'm sure these situations are much harder on us than they are on her.

Watching the fish in the waiting room.

 Happy Lula! (So tough)


The scene of the crime.

Right before they stitched her up.

Snuggling with Mommy after we got home.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

TMI? Maybe... Funny? Heck yes!

Talulah and I frequently shower together. Or rather, I have a shower and Talulah stops whatever she's doing to strip down and join me. (And, by "join me" I mean monopolize all of the hot water so I get to shiver in the corner trying to lather myself clean.)

Anyway... one particular shower (this is where the TMI comes in - brace yourselves) it had been a while since I shaved, well, anything. Talulah noticed in her own little Talulah way.

A couple of days later we were grocery shopping. More specifically in the crowded produce section of our grocery store and Talulah pipes up loudly, "Mommy, you have hair on your BUM?".

FREEZE... Panic.... I reply out of sheer humiliation and also to clarify to the complete strangers who could care less about the state of my bum, "No I don't!".

Silence. I'm blushing but trying to act cool as a cucumber.

Then again, just as loudly as before, Talulah pipes up for round two.

"On your paaaaaaaa-nis?"


And the rest of the conversation went as follows:

Mommy: No Talulah. Mommy doesn't have a penis.

Talulah: Just baby Gus?

Mommy: Yes, baby Gus has a penis because he's a boy.

Talulah: And how 'bout my Dad?

Mommy: (Seriously? This is what we're talking about while grocery shopping??) Yes Talulah. Your Dad is a boy too.

Talulah: But not me. I'n a girl. I don't have a penis. (then VERY loud and proud) I have a 'GINA.

And that was that. Oh, wait. Forgot one thing... Later while we were standing in line (probably with some witnesses to our previous conversation) Talulah had a teensy little toot, looked at the cashier and said ever so sweetly, "S'cuse me. Dat's my bum!"

At least the girl's got manners, even if her filter's broken.