Friday, July 29, 2011

Little Miss MELT

Wednesday night with Talulah:

(Talulah woke up at night and peed through her diaper so I changed her and brought her to bed with me. When we were almost asleep, Talulah pops up and says...)

Talulah: Mama, we fends!

Mommy: Yeah, we're friends.

Talulah: You my best fend.

Mommy: Oh Talulah, you're my best friend too.


Thursday morning conversation with Talulah:

Talulah: Mommy, you nuggle me? (She was still tired and not ready to get out of bed.)

Mommy: Okay, I'll carry you to the living room to get dressed.

(Mommy picks up Talulah and starts walking out of the bedroom. Talulah snuggles in.)

Talulah: When I big, I carry you.

Mommy: When you get big you're going to carry me?

Talulah: Yes.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mom 'n Lula's Excellent Vacation

Wow. We've been busy! Luckily, it's mostly been the fun kind of busy. :)

Talulah and I headed off to Winnipeg for our summer vacation. We went to Nan & Grandpa Jim's cabin, to an awesome outdoor wading pool, for lots of walks/wagon rides/stroller rides, to the Winnipeg Folk Festival, camping at White Lake… Geesh, I'm tired again just thinking about it!

Papa Bruce came out to Winnipeg just after we did, so we had everyone in the same city. It was awesome!

Talulah and Baby Gus were in love, as always. Except that a two year old's idea of love is a tad different than everyone else's. Talulah was really really in love with Gus. She talked in her sleep about Gus. She'd wake up in the morning and ask for Gus. She wanted to touch him and hug him and hold him, etc.

But… If Gus touched Talulah and he was the initiator, then she'd cringe away and holler, "He's touching me!" (Sounds very much like stories I've heard from Grandma Gwen about Talulah's Daddy.) Then, as soon as Gus stopped, she'd be all over him again. Strange little thing.

Anyway, we've been having a great summer so far.

I'll let the pictures do the talking. :)

May 2011

June 2011

July 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Just a quick pic until I have more time!

Not so patiently waiting for Velociraptor (a friend's cat that we're babysitting) to arrive.