Sunday, May 30, 2010


Gustav Thomas Nance Colbeck

Talulah would love to introduce the arrival of her new baby cousin Gustav Thomas! Gus was born at 4:24pm on May 26, 2010 and, being 8 weeks early, he weighed in at a wee 3 lb 15 oz... but he's doing great!

Because he's a preemie he'll be spending some time in the NICU. When Gus gets to go home we'll plan a trip out to Winnipeg to meet him.

In the mean time, we get to enjoy these pictures of our handsome little cousin & nephew.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This past week Talulah and I were in charge of feeding and hanging out with my dad & Brenda's cats, Maggie & Miss Kitty, while they were away.

This is just a video (a long one... with very poor quality because it was filmed using my phone...) of us hanging out.

Oh, and did I mention Talulah loves buses?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They don't get much cuter than Talulah...

So, on the weekend Talulah and I went to the mall. We were just strolling around, checking things out and we went to Bo Bebe. (It's a great baby store and since my seester is having a baby we've been checking it out more frequently.)

We decided to buy some sidewalk chalk. While I was paying Talulah noticed that a display at the front of the store was seriously lacking in the creativity department and thought she'd help out a little. While she was rearranging the display she came across some belly butter which has a very similar packaging to deoderant.

I was following her along and straightening the products and I see out of the corner of my eye that she's picking up each and every little "deoderant" and applying them to her armpits (lid on, of course). So, I laughed and said, "Are you putting that on your armpits?"

Talulah nodded her head and very seriously said, "Dah" (which is what she usually says for "yes"). I and the two women who worked there had a really big laugh and Talulah enjoyed the attention.


Then this morning when I was dropping Talulah off at her daycare, she saw her bunny ears (that she got from her Great Aunty Laura and her Great Uncle Rob for an easter present) and wanted to put them on before we got out to the car. In fact, she insisted on wearing them or else she didn't want to get out of her car seat.

So in we went, bunny ears and all. When we got inside ALL of the daycare teachers smiled and said, "Oh, who's this bunny coming to visit us? Talulah you're so cute!"

They all fussed over here and gave her hugs and again, Talulah loved the attention! She happily went in to show her little buddies her purple bunny ears and they all loved them too.

I have the cutest kid in the world :)